About the Journal

The Journal of Central and Eastern European African Studies (JCEEAS) deals with issues related to modern and contemporary Africa and their historical evolution. It is managed by the Africa Research Institute of Óbuda University in Budapest, and is published quarterly. The Journal welcomes studies in human geography, history, historiography, literature, culture and anthropology, politics, conflict studies, ethnic studies, security studies, defense studies, international relations, regional studies, migration, critical infrastructure and economy, development studies, and humanitarian management. Special focus is placed on all past, present, and future areas of shared concern in the African and Central and Eastern European contexts. JCEEAS is not restricted to publishing applied social science research by African, CEE scholars and others, but also promotes original theory for these underrepresented world regions. The Journal does not embrace any political view or ideology, but reserves the right to maintain controversial positions on issues related to Africa in the 21st century. JCEEAS publishes reviews on studies pertaining to modern and contemporary Africa. The Journal may refuse publication of unsolicited articles in its special and regular issues. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed by a minimum of two experts in the field through double-blind process.


Journal of Central and Eastern European African Studies

ISSN 2786-1902

Publisher: Óbuda University, Hungary - 1034 Budapest, Bécsi út 96/B

Prof. Dr. Zoltán Rajnai, Dean of Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering

Editorial Office:

Africa Research Institute, Doctoral School on Safety and Security Sciences, Óbuda University

Hungary - 1081 Budapest, Népszínház u. 8. III. 316.

Head of Editorial Team:

Dr. János Besenyő