Post-Conflict Peace Construction in Somaliland

Analysing the Internal and External Dynamics


  • Abdalgani Almi Research Fellow - Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Hargeisa



peace blockage, conflict, post-conflict, peace construction, blockage dynamics, Somaliland


The Horn of African region has witnessed a prolonged conflict, and Somaliland has grabbed its share. This article explores and finds answers for the questions related with the blockage factors of post-conflict peace construction in Somaliland, analyses and assesses the internal and external dynamics of peace blockages, including but not limited to; constitutional gaps, individuals and interest groups, media and donor approaches. Moreover, other challenges to peace construction are examined, with the understanding that many times to reach a peace agreement or to conclude a peace dialogue is more important than its sustainability. Somaliland peace construction is a viable critique to the entire established peace building and state formation models, including; Liberal, Republican NEPAD’s Model. The study is exploratory and intends to present and assess internal and external blockages of post-conflict peace construction. It made use of an in-depth review on the existing literature as a method of data collection under the qualitative approach to research. It is found by the study that a number of internal challenges are faced by Somaliland in its post-conflict peace construction which are; constitutional gaps, individual and group interests, as well as the media which could play a clear role towards peace building, but also can exacerbate the tensions and mistrust, external challenges include without limitation the lack by donors to invite the Somaliland government to participate in fundraising and sectoral allocation.



2022-11-20 — Updated on 2024-11-21


How to Cite

Almi, A. (2024). Post-Conflict Peace Construction in Somaliland: Analysing the Internal and External Dynamics. Journal of Central and Eastern European African Studies, 2(2), 59–68. (Original work published November 20, 2022)