This is an outdated version published on 2021-07-04. Read the most recent version.

How many faces might migration have?

A review of: “Two Faces of European Migration” by Viktor Glied


  • János Besenyő Assistant Professor at Doctoral School for Safety and Security Sciences, African Research Institute, University of Óbuda, Hungary



AdLibrum Publishers recently published the book titled Two Faces of European Migration. The author, Viktor Glied strives to express with the choice of title that he does not see migration in black and white but presents several perspectives. This may even mean that the book will not generate huge revenue for the author, but during the reading it became clear to me that Viktor Glied is not interested in the number of copies sold, but rather he examines the issue of migration as much as possible. The ordinary reader could even neglect this fact, because so many articles, studies and even books have been written on this subject in the last few years that these could block the Danube. Understanding of this topic is also hindered, because this issue is significantly over-politicized, and the stakeholders do not attempt to have a professional debate on migration. The author seems to break with this “comfortable, well-established point of view” and, through 200 pages, lists various statements, arguments and counterarguments that raise questions for the readers to make them think about and then react to. As a reviewer, I recommend reading the book for this reason alone, to all those who are interested in migration and related phenomena that associated with it (terrorism, organized crime, employment of foreigners, issues on integration, tensions in social coexistence etc.).





How to Cite

Besenyő, J. (2021). How many faces might migration have? A review of: “Two Faces of European Migration” by Viktor Glied. Journal of Central and Eastern European African Studies, 1(1-2).