Egypt’s Geopolitical Alignment via the Digital Humanities




Cairo, Cold War, Databases, Moscow, Nasser, Nehru


The Egyptian civilization is a monumental pillar of the modern history of humanity and contributes greatly to the increase of current knowledge. Together, Ali M. Yahya’s Egypt and the Soviet Union, 1955-1972 (1989) and Rami Ginat’s The Soviet Union and Egypt, 1945-1955 (1993) established a chronology which enable a discussion of this influential Arab country’s past in terms of its present; this intervention tests a variety of methods from the “digital humanities” as an e-learning technology. Clearly, the events which occurred during 1955 were sufficient to accomplish Egypt’s geopolitical alignment; seeking to explore Yahya’s and Ginat’s established chronology, this intervention uses new research and analytic techniques in an attempt to identify specific aspects of historical experience of Egypt’s geopolitical realignment during the pivotal year 1955, which (among other developments) introduced the Aswan High Dam as a new focal point for water issues, regional rivalries and conflicts over the control of natural resources.


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2024-02-18 — Updated on 2024-07-02


How to Cite

Bishop, E. (2024). Egypt’s Geopolitical Alignment via the Digital Humanities. Journal of Central and Eastern European African Studies, 3(2), 151–176. (Original work published February 18, 2024)