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The Challenges and Opportunitites in Management of Intercommunal Conflicts in Kenyan ASAL Region




ASAL region, cultural and ethnic differences, government institutions, intercommunal conflicts, Kenya


There are a number of reasons that have shaped the dynamics of intercommunal disputes throughout time in Kenya's ASAL (Arid and Semi-Arid Lands) regions, which provide the historical framework for these conflicts (Mkutu, 2020) (Omuse, 2018) (Nicholas, 2018). Understanding this historical backdrop offers insights into the complicated intercommunal disputes in ASAL and their underlying causes. With roughly 38% of Kenya's population, the ASALs make up 89% of the nation. More than 90% of the wildlife that sustains the tourism sector and accounts for 12% of Kenya's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is found in these regions, while 70% of the national livestock herd, with an estimated worth of Ksh. 70 billion, is located in the ASAL regions (ROK, 2022). The challenges and opportunities in the management of inter-communal conflicts in ASAL regions in Kenya have been extensively studied and discussed by researchers, scholars, and practitioners.


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How to Cite

Ndungú, R. (2024). The Challenges and Opportunitites in Management of Intercommunal Conflicts in Kenyan ASAL Region. Journal of Central and Eastern European African Studies, 3(3), 111–124.