Israel's Relations with Emerging African States

- in the Light of Some Hungarian State Security Documents from the First Half of the Kádár Era


  • Attila Novák



Africa, anti-Zionism, Israel, State security, Zionism


Israel developedits relations with African countries relatively early. The initial boom in the 1950s was followed by a slowdown in the 1960s and then, in many respects, a standstill after the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Israel was seen by many African countries as an anti-colonial power, which gradually changed over time. In 1957, the Jewish state recognized the independence of Ghana, and in 1958 it set up a separate organization, the Agency for International Development Cooperation (MASHAV), to assist the newly independent African states. In 1963, it established a new embassy in Nairobi, Kenya.

            Based on newly discovered Hungarian state security documents, this paper will give an insight into how Hungary –  as a member of the Soviet-led Eastern European socialist bloc – in the early 1960s and 1970s, viewed its relations with Israel and African countries, and the information and political-ideological patterns on which it based its approach. The state security surveillance (through the Hungarian diplomatic missions) later covered not only Israel, but also the American Jewish organizations which, according to the agencies, had been in contact with African states and organizations at the instigation of Israel. Archival sources with a strongly anti-imperialist tone and bearing the imprint of Soviet state security suggest that the treatment of Israel as an enemy occurred in this region before the 1967 break-up, i.e. the diplomatic freeze did not significantly affect the way the Jewish state's relations with the emerging African nations were viewed.


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How to Cite

Novák, A. (2024). Israel’s Relations with Emerging African States : - in the Light of Some Hungarian State Security Documents from the First Half of the Kádár Era . Journal of Central and Eastern European African Studies, 3(3), 125–138.