Immigrant Security in a Culturally Different Environment. The Polish Experience after the Arab Spring




Arab Spring, Tabora, immigrants, security services, threats


Since the decolonisation of Africa - especially after 1960 - more and more people have been arriving from the African continent to Europe for settlement purposes. In 2017, the countries of the European Union there were already 9.1 million African nationals living in the European Union. Of this group, 5 million people came from North Africa (most from Morocco) and the rest from Africa south of the Sahara.

          Poland is one of the countries in the European Union that has received many migrants from different parts of the world. Figures indicate that 2.1 million foreigners, mostly from Africa and Asia, will live in Poland in 2020. The possibility of frequent contact with immigrants has increased. Meeting a person of African origin in their place of residence is now declared by 39% of respondents, while in 2015 it was only 13%.

          The attitude of Poles towards immigrants from Africa has also changed in recent years. Poles have become accustomed to the everyday presence of foreigners, as indicated by a clear increase in their level of acceptance in their immediate environment. An African as a close neighbour is now accepted by 84% of Poles (up from 61%) and as their son or daughter-in-law by 58% (up from 34%).

          There is also a growing concern for keeping immigrants safe, especially when it comes to situations where their life or health may be at risk. However, difficulties arise due to differences in culture, religion, customs and the lack of a common language.

          The paper will discuss and clarify these problems.


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2024-07-01 — Updated on 2024-07-02


How to Cite

Skrabacz, A. ., & Bryczek-Wróbel, P. . (2024). Immigrant Security in a Culturally Different Environment. The Polish Experience after the Arab Spring. Journal of Central and Eastern European African Studies, 3(4), 162–177. (Original work published July 1, 2024)