From GIA to the Islamic State (IS): De-radicalization as countering violent extremism strategy in Algeria




Algeria, De-radicalization, Counterterrorism, Extremism, Reconciliation, Terrorism


Terrorism is not new to Algeria, it had a long history, which dating back to the early 80'. In fact, Islamic extremism in Algeria have indeed existed before the cancellation of the electoral process at the beginning of 1992. Following a series of deadly domestic terrorist attacks in 1990s, the Algerian government started developing robust counterterrorism and deradicalization methods comprising both military and non-military measures (commonly known as hard and soft approaches), to de-radicalize terrorists and insurgents across the country. Besides traditional security, military, and law-enforcement attempts to capture, jail, or eliminate terrorists, the Algerian government also launched a parallel strategy to combat the ideological justifications for violent radicalism and extremism within Algeria including a truce, a reconciliation process, demobilization, rehabilitation and reintegration programs by engaging non-state actors such as civil society, and zawiyyas, as well as investing in development. Today, Algeria, with its combination of a soft and hard approach, provides a successful example of how to neutralize terrorism after having defeated various terrorist groups between 1993 and 2003 and overseen a transition from civil war to peace since then.

This paper outlines the Algerian government’s attempts, approaches, and initiatives on combating terrorism and de-radicalization as well as analyzes their strengths and limitations. It sketches how the Algerian government, especially since mid-90', dealt, engaged, overcame, and resolves issues and problems of terrorism and extremism. The purpose of the paper is present facts and information about the Algerian experience at fighting terrorism and Algeria's long struggle in the combat of extremist and terrorist threats. The paper also assesses and analyzes the effectiveness and ineffectiveness, strengths, and weaknesses of the Algerian successive governments policies and approaches of counterterrorism.


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How to Cite

SOUR, L. (2025). From GIA to the Islamic State (IS): De-radicalization as countering violent extremism strategy in Algeria. Journal of Central and Eastern European African Studies, 4(3-4), 169–195.