External Intervention in the Ethiopia-Tigray Conflict and Its Implications on Conflict Resolution and Political Stability
Ethiopian Federal Government, external intervention, intra-state conflict, peace, Tigray conflictAbstract
The Ethiopia-Tigray conflict unleashed devastating consequences on the Horn of Africa sub-region, entailing widespread humanitarian suffering and security concerns. Through a comprehensive analysis of historical, political, and socio-economic factors, this paper investigates the impact of external intervention on either exacerbating or resolving the conflict. Drawing on primary and secondary sources, including interviews, scholarly articles, and reports, this paper examines the various forms of external intervention employed during the course of the Tigray conflict. By critically assessing the effectiveness and limitations of these interventions, we provide valuable insights into their role in shaping the trajectory of the conflict. Based on the findings, this paper concludes that external intervention in the Tigray conflict has had mixed results. While certain interventions have contributed to de-escalation and the provision of humanitarian assistance, others have inadvertently fuelled tensions and perpetuated the conflict. In light of these findings, this paper recommends prioritising diplomatic efforts that include dialogue and negotiation processes, taking into account the legitimate concerns and grievances of all parties involved.
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