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Dr Coup d’état in West Africa

A Resurgence of Military Rule in the 21st- Century?




Coup d’état, France, Military Rule, Resurgence, West Africa


Recent developments in some West African countries are a classic case of reversal of democratic rule and have raised doubts about the feasibility of democracy in Africa. This study examines the factors that have led to the resurgence of coups d'état and the possibility of constructing a new typology of coups d'état and military rule in 21st century Africa. Documented data sources were used for the study and the method of analysis was content analysis. The study compared the nature and characteristics of recent coups with those of the past and the predominant causes. The study made an attempt to identify the gap in the theories by examining the various theories on military interventions, postulating an alternative theory that can better explain the current phenomenon different from those of the 1980s. The study is an early warning that military rule could re-emerge in West Africa and Africa.


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2025-02-03 — Updated on 2025-02-04


How to Cite

Sule, B., Echa Attah, N., Sambo, U. ., Lummo Kachalla, B. ., & Tsoeu-Ntokoane, D. S. . (2025). Dr Coup d’état in West Africa : A Resurgence of Military Rule in the 21st- Century?. Journal of Central and Eastern European African Studies, 4(3-4), 53–73. (Original work published February 3, 2025)