This is an outdated version published on 2023-06-04. Read the most recent version.

Resilience-based approach and management of human trafficking at the regions of natural disasters in Africa


  • Brigitta Sáfár Head of Disaster Management /Hungarian Red Cross
  • Krisztina Kállai Research Fellow at Africa Research Institute, Doctoral School on Safety and Security Sciences, University of Óbuda, Budapest, Hungary



Colin D. Robinson is an Adjunct Instructor with the eSchool of Graduate Professional Military Education, Air University, Maxwell AFB, Alabama; a Researcher at the African Research Institute, Óbuda University, Budapest; and sits on the editorial board of Defence and Security Analysis. He has carried out defence reform research and work in East Timor, Somalia, Kenya, Liberia, and Malawi, worked at universities in Liberia and New Zealand, worked three times for the New Zealand defence establishment, in Georgia and Liberia for the United Nations, and with policy research institutes in London and Washington DC.

Author Biographies

Brigitta Sáfár , Head of Disaster Management /Hungarian Red Cross

Brigitta Sáfár became a member of the regional assessment and coordination unit of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in 2009, since 2012 she has been acting as the national Head of Disaster Management of the Hungarian Red Cross. She holds a PhD degree on Disaster Management and Environmental Security from the National University of Public Service Doctoral School Of Military Engineering. The focus of her research is the assessment and improvement possibilities of resilience, both of individuals and communities affected by disasters and crises, cooperation, and coordination in international humanitarian assistance. As an expert she has participated in lots of ECHO funded projects and international missions since 2010. She has regular publications as a lead author and a co-author, both in English and Hungarian; and she is a regular lecturer at many international conferences.

Krisztina Kállai, Research Fellow at Africa Research Institute, Doctoral School on Safety and Security Sciences, University of Óbuda, Budapest, Hungary

Krisztina Kállai is a PhD student at Óbuda University Doctoral School on Safety and Security Sciences. During her first PhD research, at the Department of Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training at National University of Public Service her topic was examining the refugee victims of human trafficking and the possible solutions of migration based on the directives of Catholic Church. From the beginning of her MsC studies she represented her research at many international conferences and has been publishing many articles related to human trafficking. In the course of her current research, she examines the resilience-based solutions of human trafficking at the devastated areas caused by natural disasters. She also focuses on the mental difficulties of minor victims due to the sexual exploitation committed by traffickers.



2021-07-04 — Updated on 2023-06-04


How to Cite

Sáfár , B., & Kállai, K. (2023). Resilience-based approach and management of human trafficking at the regions of natural disasters in Africa. Journal of Central and Eastern European African Studies, 1(1-2), 139–155. (Original work published July 4, 2021)